≪ ご用意いただくもの ≫
- 在留カード
- 在留期間等の確認をさせていただきます。なお、口座開設のお申込時点で在留期間が3ヶ月未満の場合は、口座開設が受付できませんので在留期間更新後にお申込いただきますようお願いいたします。
- ご印鑑(シャチハタなどのゴム製印章を除く)
- 口座開設時に申込書に押印いただくご必要がございます。
- その他
- 社員証等の勤務実態が確認できる書類もお持ちください。
- 勤務先への電話等により勤務実態を確認させていただくこともございます。
- 留学生の方は学生証もお持ちください。
- ご提示いただいた証明書類は、コピーをとります。
≪ ご注意いただきたい事項 ≫
- 口座開設までにお時間を要する場合があります。 また、場合によっては口座の開設をお断りすることがございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
- 口座開設後、在留期間が満了した場合はお取引の一部に制限がかかることがございますので在留期間を更新した際は、必ず南日本銀行にお届けいただきますようお願いいたします。
- 帰国する際や、日本国外に引っ越す際は、必ず口座を解約してください。
《 預金口座の売買は犯罪です!! 》 口座の売買(預金通帳・キャッシュカードの譲渡等)は日本の法令により禁止され、売る側も買う側も罰せられることになります。口座の売買・譲渡は絶対に行わないでください。 |

To customers who have a residence card and are applying to open an account
Please be informed that for opening a deposit bank account the following documents are required.Please have the mentioned items ready on your visit to open account.
≪ What to prepare ≫
- Residence Card
- We will confirm your period of stay, etc. If your period of stay will end in less than three months from when you apply to open an account, we will not be able to accept your application, so please ensure that you apply after extending your period of stay.
- Seal imprint (excluding rubber seals such as Shachihata)
- At the time of the account opening, the application form must be completed with the applicant`s seal imprint.
- Other matters
- When applying for a bank account, please also bring an employee ID or other document enabling confirmation of the applicant`s status of employment.
- Please note that for verification purposes the application procedure may involve a phone call to the applicant`s place of employment.
- Students are requested to bring their student ID.
- We make photocopies of the ID documents you submit.
≪ Points to note ≫
- It may take some time for your account to be opened. Furthermore, please be aware that in certain cases, we may refuse to open an account.
- If you exceed your period of stay once your account is open, restrictions may be placed on certain transactions,so please make sure you inform MINAMI NIPPON Bank when you have extended your period of stay.
- Please be sure to close your account when you return to your home country or move out of Japan.
《 Selling or buying a deposit bank account is a punishable offence! 》 Selling or buying a deposit bank account (i.e., selling or buying a deposit account pass book or cash card) is prohibited under the law of Japan and incurs punishment on both seller and buyer.Please do not trade of transfer an account. |